Investment management

An investment service which aims to grow your wealth over the long term

Investing could be a smart move 
to make your money work as hard as you do.


When it comes to growing your wealth beyond traditional savings accounts, investing can increase your chance of positive returns. 

Your Private Banker will help you navigate investments and do the work for you so that you can make the most of your time. They will  review:  

  • your financial goals
  • your timeline, and
  • your comfort with risk  

to recommend how to harness the power of investing as part of your overall financial plan. 

And our unique relationship with Santander Asset Management means you benefit from a global team of specialists managing your investment in line with fund objectives.

Remember, the value of your investments and income from them can go up or down and you could get less than the amount you originally invested. Investments should also be held for the medium to long-term (5+ years). Advice and product charges may apply.  




Private Banking Investment diagram

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Santander Asset Management. 

When it comes to investing, we take a clear approach to fulfilling your investment objectives. We work collaboratively with the Santander Asset Management team to provide products and services that are constantly focused on helping you to achieve your investment goals. 

Clients have access to the latest insights into investment markets, economic news and investment themes from experienced Portfolio Managers and Investment Specialists, as well as having exclusive access to in-branch client events where the team can answer any questions you may have.

  • €230 billion assets under management globally and £11.3 billion in the UK*  
  • Over 750 investment professionals globally 
  • Over 49 years investment experience
  • Based in 11 countries of both developed economies and emerging markets 
    *As at the end of August 2022  

The Model Portfolio Service. 

The Model Portfolio Service combines the expertise of the Santander Asset Management team with the trusted relationship from your Private Banker and aims to support your changing needs as you go through life.   

Reviewing our 3 key investment criteria; triangulating your financial goals, your comfort with the uncertainty of investments, and the time you have available to invest allows our team to recommend a Model Portfolio which best meets your needs.  

As part of this service, your Private Banker reviews your Model Portfolio, either annually or earlier, depending on what suits you and your circumstances.

  • The Model Portfolio Service focuses on your personal needs for investing 
  • Your recommended portfolio is based on a model matching 3 key investment criteria  
  • Gain enhanced peace of mind from portfolio reviews with your Private Banker

A range of funds. 

As a client of Private Banking, you can invest in the Atlas, Portfolio Investments and the multi-index range of funds from Santander Asset Management. 

These fund ranges have been created for clients with the ambition to grow their money beyond the potential of traditional savings accounts.  

Your Private Banker advises which fund suits your needs and matches your comfort with investment risk.


  • 9 funds designed for leaving your money to grow over the long-term
  • 4 funds designed to provide you with a regular income
  • Receive advice on which fund suits your needs and risk appetite 

Investing with our structured products. 

With a choice of capital protected plan or capital at risk plans, you can benefit from investing for a fixed-term at a risk level to suit you. 

Capital protected plan: If you're uncomfortable with the uncertainty of investing, this plan reassures you that you'll get at least your original capital back at the end of the fixed period.  

Capital at risk plans: A capital at risk plan offers the chance for higher returns but puts your capital at risk.    

Your Private Banker shares the details of these plans with you and recommends if they would be suitable for reaching your goals. 

  • Our capital protected plan means you’ll always get at least your original amount back at the time of maturity.
  • Our capital at risk plans links your money to the performance of the underlying index, increasing your potential for higher returns.
  • Plans offered over a 4 or 6-year period. 

Supporting a positive future

We believe the best choice individuals can make is to align with organisations striving to do better for our world. 

Across the entire Santander Group, we've already made significant changes to how we act today and we’ve put a plan in place to keep working on sustainability. Santander UK has been carbon neutral since 2020 and is committed to net zero emissions by 2050.

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One of our core team will be happy to discuss your unique needs from a private bank

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